Ocean Ridge Charities Association Inc.
Serving the Brunswick County Community

ORCA celebrated its 5th Anniversary in 2015.
Thanks to the generosity of the Ocean Ridge residents,ORCA has been able to contribute over $160,000 to the neediest in Brunswick County.
Click below to read the latest write-ups of the ORCA activities!
Changing Tides article
on Holiday Home Tour (Jan)
Changing Tides article
highlighting Communities
in Schools and Lower Cape
Fear Hospice (Jan)
Winners of ORCA Golf Raffle
Changing Tides article
on Annual Dinner Dance (Feb)
Changing Tides article on
Angelo's Wine Dinner (Mar)
Changing Tides article (Apr)
Boys & Girls Home
W.A.V.E.S 4 Kids
New Hope Clinic
Changing Tides articles (May) on
Trivia Night
Corporate Matching Gifts
Casino Night Save the Date
Changing Tides article (Sept) on
Hospice Doll Social
Changing Tides article (Oct) on
Casino Night For Charity
Changing Tides article (Dec) on
Holiday House Tour
Check Presentations
ORCA Golf Raffle Winners
2015 Bistro V / ORCA Autumn Fundraising Campaign
The winners of the ORCA Golf Raffle were Pat and Henry Huie. They received a round of golf for 4 people, including carts, at the Ocean Ridge course of their choice. The drawing was held on Thursday, January 7, 2016. All residents who attended Bistro V or contributed to the ORCA Autumn Fundraising Campaign were eligible for the drawing.

Mike Lynch (ORCA), Becky Noble,
Mike Cunningham (ORCA)