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Our Charities

ORCA’s Workshop to Assist Non-profits


A workshop took place on November 2nd for many of the Nonprofits here in Brunswick County.  The topic was Recent Growth in the County and its Impact – and proved to be the basis for much dialogue and interaction among the charities.


The meeting also set the stage for future discourse, and conceivably an active association including many County charities. This would give them a stronger local voice and influence in the future.  This is believed to be the first time a large group of such Nonprofits has gathered together to discuss their common goals and issues.


In addition, Kirstie Dixon, Brunswick County’s Director of Planning, attended and provided significant information about the County’s growth – past, present, and projected.


Twenty-five people from the Nonprofits attended, and they represented 19 different charities, many of them the largest in Brunswick County.


In addition to Kirstie, other key presenters leading the discussions were:

  • Josh Torbich, CEO of Christian Recovery Centers Inc.,

  • Jim Fish, President/CEO of Brunswick Senior Resources Inc. (BSRI),

  • Yvette Gosline, COO of BSRI, and

  • Jennifer Sherman,  BSRI’s VP of Human Services, who also represented Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster.


The meeting was organized by Ocean Ridge Charities Association (ORCA), which has provided financial support to local charities for over ten years.  ORCA‘s President Maggy Schlink opened the session by encouraging everyone’s active participation, and thanking the charity reps for the wonderful work they do, day in and day out, to help Brunswick County residents in need.


ORCA Board members who organized the event are Glenn Hess, Amy Kelly, Mike Lynch, Kathy Sanchez and Ron Sorice.  The location was a spacious meeting room generously provided by Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation at its main building in Supply.


Kirstie Dixon,

Director of Planning for Brunswick County


Jim Fish,

President/CEO of

Brunswick Senior Resources, Inc.

Josh Torbich,

CEO of Christian Recovery Centers Inc.

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