Ocean Ridge Charities Association Inc.
Serving the Brunswick County Community

2/15/2021 Tornado

Tornado Memorial Tribute Service
Plantation Club
August 26, 2022

On February 15, 2021, an EF3 tornado ravaged the Ocean Ridge community. Three residents perished, Rich and Phyllis O’Connor and Barry Glick, and 120 homes were impacted. A series of community tributes have taken place since that event, culminating in a Memorial Tribute at the Plantation Club on August 26.
The previous community tributes included a candlelight vigil, a tornado impact survivors' luncheon, an SAC/ORCA Road Rally fundraiser with 62 teams and 102 residents participating, and an unveiling of the memorial bench.
The SAC & ORCA teams raised $2,463 to purchase the two beautiful memorial benches. An $8500 scholarship fund was created for EMT students at Brunswick Community College. The History Club donated $2200+ to a local elementary school where Barry Glick volunteered for the past 14 years. Prior to retirement, Barry Glick was a 7th grade teacher for 36 years. The $2,200 will purchase books for the school library. ORCA also donated more than $7,000 to families impacted by the tornado who do not live in Ocean Ridge.
The Memorial Tribute was, indeed, a beautiful but emotional event. One hundred residents attended. The stories of generosity go on and on and had everyone in the audience in tears. The tribute included some memorabilia representing the interests of our 3 neighbors whom we lost in the tornado. Tornado survivors gave beautiful heartwarming thanks to our community and powerful testimonials. The program concluded with a slideshow with "Before and After" pictures as well as a video, " I See God In You". God Bless this wonderful community. We are all so fortunate to have each other and to live in a community that genuinely cares so much for its friends and neighbors!

Pictured: Claudia Piccarelli, Elizabeth Wassum (Director of the BCC Foundation), Maggy Schlink

WECT News Coverage of
Ocean Ridge's Post-Tornado
Contributions to Community

Mara McJilton, WECT's Evening News Anchor/Reporter, came here yesterday afternoon and interviewed Maggy Schlink, Claudia Piccarelli and Donna Wald. The purpose for the interview was for us to discuss what Ocean Ridge has done since the 2-15-21 tornado to help our Brunswick County neighbors. Our powerful story of generosity, kindness, survival and resiliency is very inspirational and uplifting and also extends beyond our immediate Ocean Ridge Community.
Our story was aired on the 11:00 PM evening news on September 14, 2022. It is posted on WECT's website and here is the link so you can see the report. Enjoy!
ORCA Remembrance of the 2/15/2021 Tornado
Dear Ocean Ridge Residents,
Ocean Ridge Charities Association (ORCA) would like to acknowledge that one year ago this Tuesday, February 15, 2021, our Ocean Ridge community experienced the most challenging event to date with the tornado that ripped through our community. This one year anniversary is bittersweet for many reasons: the losses of Barry Glick, Phyllis and Rich O’Connor and the continuing challenges of rebuilding that many of you have experienced and others are still facing. We were all impacted and share the grief of these losses and struggles.
Let’s remember the way we, as a community, “came together”: working side by side and donating over $140,000 to ease the difficulties and provide support for our neighbors who were physically impacted. That is who we are.
So, although we are not gathering together on Tuesday, due to Covid concerns, Ocean Ridge Charities Association wants you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers for all you have gone through this past year and the challenges that still exist. This strong, supportive community, which prides itself on supporting each other, is still with you.
The Ocean Ridge Charities Association Board of Directors
These local television news broadcasts from WECT demonstrate the way Ocean Ridge Plantation, as a community, “came together”. Ocean Ridge Charities Association, Social Activities Committee, Ocean Ridge Quilters Club, and Ocean Ridge Management Association collaborated to try and ease the heartbreak and destruction in the tornado's aftermath.
Click below to see clips: