Ocean Ridge Charities Association Inc.
Serving the Brunswick County Community

A New ORCA Challenge…Grant Writing
Have you ever written one before?
The Brunswick County charities, with the help of your dollars, do a great job of caring for the less fortunate. Whether it’s the homeless, the hungry, battered women or any other group in need, the funds they receive are used effectively, and most often go out the door as quickly as they come in.
That often leaves the charities scrambling to deal with the ever-occurring problems and concerns that are routine for managing their cause. Everything from outdated computers to leaking roofs to daily supplies. Ordinary operating needs can either go unattended or can divert funds from their primary mission.
Ocean Ridge Charities Association Inc. has initiated a new project to help with those day to day or long-term programs, projects or operational needs. We are moving into Grant Writing. The number of philanthropic foundations, both locally and nationally, and the amount of money they make available for Health and Human Services is amazing. It is a highly competitive field, however a well written grant proposal gains access. As novices in the field, we have submitted 5 grant applications with one success to date… a $3,000 Home Depot grant to install new roofing at the Brunswick Christian Recovery Center. We have had one grant request rejected and 3 are still awaiting a decision.
Grant writing isn’t for everyone, but we know there are some here in Ocean Ridge that have that talent and we can use your help. That may be by sharing your experience to help us refine the process or, better yet, as a writer. If there are residents who have writing skills and would like to try grant writing, we will soon have a training program in place. ORCA liaisons are contacting their respective charities to gather critical information and define projects that need funding.
This can develop into a great resource to help our local charities. If interested, please contact Ron Sorice at 575-4075 or rgsorice@gmail.com.