Ocean Ridge Charities Association Inc.
Serving the Brunswick County Community

Light Up The Night

Prior Years

Ocean Ridge Charities Association (ORCA) extends
a huge thank you to our neighbors for their tremendous support of our winter fund raisers.
So many residents participated either by donating time, goods and/or financial support. We enjoyed seeing so many people partake in these events. We hope you also enjoyed them!
And in the process, your generosity has allowed us to provide $13,000 to ‘Warm Homes, Warm Hearts’… monies which will be matched by Brunswick Electric and used to help local families in need of assistance with their utility bills.
Event Funds Raised
Annual Arts & Crafts Fair/Knife Sharpening Event $1,000
Holiday Marketplace Raffle $3,500
‘Light Up the Night’ Luminary Sales $2,300
Holiday Quilt Raffle $1,900
Holiday Open House Tour $4,300
We appreciate your support!
And wish you all a very Happy & Healthy Holiday Season.

ORCA Thank You For Holiday Activities

ORCA RAISED $10,500 FOR BEMC and DONATED ANOTHER $20,000 to BC Charities
Ocean Ridge Charities Association (ORCA), along with the Social Activities Committee, is proud to sponsor the “Annual Kick off to the Holidays in Ocean Ridge!” The following events contribute towards these efforts: the Holiday Craft’s Fair, the Holiday Market Place, Luminaries and the Holiday House Tour. The proceeds of these events go to BEMC’s Warm Homes, Warm Hearts program, which DOUBLES our contribution to Brunswick County residents! That’s $21,000 to assist in providing heat and electric to those in need.
Due to the Corporate Sponsor Program, the generosity of our neighbors, an Allstate Grant, the memorial fund and other contributions, ORCA has donated an additional $20,000 in the name of Ocean Ridge residents to the following Brunswick County Charities this month:
Brunswick Family Assistance, Brunswick Community College Foundation, Carousel Center, Habitat, Hope Harbor, Literacy Council, Providence Home, Shallotte Lions, Toy Run and Waves4Kids.
A special THANK YOU to all our volunteers, event organizers and ORCA board members for all of the tireless work they put in to make all of this happen. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Ocean Ridge on December 6th, 2020
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
What: 10 pack of Luminaries (candles and bags) (You provide rice, sand, birdseed, or cat litter)
How much: $20 each pack (checks made out to ORCA)
When: December 6th from 5:00pm-8:00pm (Rain date December 7th)
Who benefits: The Ocean Ridge community is asked to ride around the neighborhood and enjoy the beauty. Maps will be provided.
Highlights: Winners of the Decorate Your Front Yard contest will be showing their banners. The Community garden will also be specially decorated to join in the spirit of the evening! So, don’t miss it!
Where will my donation go: BEMC’s Warm Homes, Warm Hearts program (which will double ORCA’s total donation)
Where can I get them:
Nov. 14 Craft Fair at the Pavilion ( 11:00 am- 2:00pm)
Corinne Eisenstein, 554 Westchester, ceisen2@gmail.com. Phone: 910-575-3878
Kath Larson, 6932 Rosebury Court, Kath.Larson@gmail.com. Phone: 910-398-5602
Maggy Schlink, 536 Gladstone Circle, maggysbeach@aol.com. Phone : 910-579-2557
Homeowners are asked to set them out along their lawn’s edge, sidewalk or driveway on Sunday, December 6th from 5:00pm-8:00pm.