Ocean Ridge Charities Association Inc.
Serving the Brunswick County Community

ORCA Service Club
Ocean Ridge Charities Association (ORCA) Service Club Recruitement & Training
Thursday, March 21, 2024, 1:30-3:30 PM
Plantation Club

We are recruiting new members - both men & women to join the ORCA Service Club. On occasion, ORCA will reach out to this group, looking for volunteers to assist at an event. Opportunities available may include set up, take down, decorating, event staffing, etc. There is no commitment, you volunteer when/if you choose.
Please join us for an informative session. We’ll explain what each job entails. All are welcome, whether you are considering joining or have joined previously but never attended the training.
Please register using the Sign Up Genius link below no later than March 14th so we can prepare enough materials.
ORCA Recruitment & Training Sign-up
ORCA is always looking for volunteers and we hope that you will be one! If you are interested, but can’t attend, contact Mary Perno at MPERNO@verizon.net
Thank you!