Ocean Ridge Charities Association Inc.
Serving the Brunswick County Community

Ocean Ridge-David Kelly Nursing Endowment at BCC
ORCA Sponsored Visit to Brunswick Community College (BCC) Highlights Nursing & EMT Programs
In 2010, Ocean Ridge Charities Association (ORCA) partnered with resident Amy Kelly to establish the Ocean Ridge-David Kelly Nursing Endowment within the Brunswick Community College Foundation (BCCF). The endowment was the beneficiary of the first ORCA fundraiser, Trivia Nite, in 2011. It built upon a previous endowment created by Amy and her late husband, Dave, in honor of his two sisters who worked in the medical field. Scholarships are provided annually to deserving second year nursing students.
And after the devastating 2021 tornado, ORCA established a second scholarship at BCCF to support the EMT training program in recognition of all first responders.
On April 2nd, a dozen ORCA board members and other interested Ocean Ridge residents visited the college to get an update on both the nursing and EMT programs.
Teresa Nelson, Executive Director of the Foundation, provided a tour of the new nursing science building. The former nurses in our group were wowed by the advances in technology as instructors demonstrated the simulation tools used to train the students.
We meet with several scholarship recipients who gratefully explained how the financial support allowed them to continue their education while also taking care of their family responsibilities.
And we heard from Dr. Gene Smith, BCC President, who shared the many new developments on the horizon, including new areas of study as well as future new construction.
It was truly gratifying to see how the generosity of our Ocean Ridge community continues to have an impact on future generations.
Other Ocean Ridge residents have since expressed an interest in participating in a similar visit. If you’d like to join a future visit (date TBD), please email Amy Kelly at kellygroup@yahoo.com.

Your Ocean Ridge Charities Association Donations
Making a Difference
As the Ocean Ridge Charities Association, Inc. (ORCA) Liaison to the Brunswick Community College Foundation (BCCF), Ocean Ridge-David Kelly Nursing Scholarship Endowment, I received this inspirational letter from our scholarship recipient and wanted to share with the community. Not only does this letter and sentiments warm our hearts, but it reinforces the reasons we champion giving to residents in the Brunswick County community, as we strive to make a difference in the lives of others and feel much gratitude when we can witness the difference our giving makes. We are so excited to see what Arnell achieves in life and as a graduate of the Associate Degree Nursing program, Class of 2022. We wish him the best of luck for the future!
Arnell stated in his letter, “It is impossible for me to express how grateful I am to you for donating to my scholarship. I will graduate debt-free because of your generosity. As a student attending school and caring for my disabled wife full-time, this award undoubtedly helps ease the financial burden I have. Thus, I am able to put my best effort forward in my studies without any difficulties.
As I look to the future, I see myself as a source of hope, positivity, and inspiration for patients and colleagues alike. As an autistic person, I will demolish barriers to success and blaze a trail for autistic medical professionals who will come after me. I will work relentlessly on combating the stigmas that male nurses face in the nursing field. By doing so, I hope to encourage the little boy, young man, or older man to succeed in their dream of becoming a nurse by pushing past societal norms. My experience as a foster child encourages me to encourage other foster children to reach beyond their painful pasts and envision their futures. In addition, I will be able to provide for my wife and children so that they will have everything they need.
The dream I have for my future will be realized thanks to you. I am thankful to you for giving someone with such a bleak past a brighter future. Thank you on behalf of myself, my family, and the future lives I will touch as a Registered Nurse. I’m eagerly looking forward to making you and everyone at Brunswick Community College Foundation proud on my graduation in 2022."
For those not familiar with ORCA ‘s history, we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and support Brunswick County 501(c)(3) charities. ORCA was founded in 2010 and the BCCF was our first effort to raise funds in the community with Trivia Nite in 2011, where the theme was Nursing through the Years. We had many nurses and others in the community who assisted with the decorations, food, planning the questions and answers for the game, and the event itself. We had a lot of fun, raised money, and were able to establish an endowment rather than limited scholarships. This was the start of the Ocean Ridge Charities Association’s efforts in FUNdraising, and we continue to go strong with the generous donations by the OR community, the hard work of the Board and volunteers, and our corporate sponsors. Please take a look at our website pages to learn more about us, see our corporate sponsors, and perhaps consider helping us make a difference to the “neediest in Brunswick County,” our organizational goal.
Amy Kelly, ORCA Board of Directors
ORCA Visits BCC Campus for Nursing Lab Simulation Demonstration
Nurses impact the lives of everyone they touch and are the protectors and caregivers to the sick and needy. The Ocean Ridge-David Kelly Nursing Endowment, the result of fundraising efforts by the Ocean Ridge Charities Association (ORCA), was set up to help second year nursing students who maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA while studying at BCC. The nursing scholarship originated by David Kelly, in memory of two of his sisters, who were both in the medical field.
On October 12, 2016, seven members of ORCA visited the campus of Brunswick Community College to see a live demonstration of the Associate Degree of Nursing (ADN) program’s new nursing simulation lab. Currently, the ADN program has 28 first year students and 24 second year students. Additionally, 100% of the graduates over the past two years have successfully passed the NCLEX on their first attempt.
“The Nursing Simulation Lab mimics what happens in a hospital while giving the students a safe place to work. The lab allows our students to make mistakes and hone their skills. We have seen a higher retention and accuracy rate among our students since utilizing the Simulation Lab,” remarked Barbara Mankey, Director of the ADN Program. With functioning headwalls that include oxygen machines and bed monitors, mannequins (including geriatric, middle aged, pediatric/, and a birthing mom), the Nursing Simulation Lab puts the students in as close to a real life scenario as possible, without actually being in a hospital.
After the demonstration, ORCA had a chance to speak with the students about their experience in the nursing program and how the scholarships have helped them. “Receiving the Ocean Ridge-David Kelly Nursing Scholarship has been unbelievable. I couldn’t be here without the support of ORCA,” says Corey, a recipient of the scholarship.

Program Objective: To provide one scholarship per year for a qualifying 2nd year nursing school student at Brunswick Community College who maintains a GPA of 3.0 or greater, has demonstrated financial need and is a resident of Brunswick County.
Need: Over 70% of BCC students need some kind of financial aid.
The Brunswick Community College Foundation, organized in 1982, is a charitable organization 501(c)(3) instituted to enhance the mission of Brunswick Community College to a level of excellence and purpose for students and the community. The Foundation is a vital resource for the acceptance and solicitation of all gifts for the support of education and the continued growth and progress of Brunswick Community College. The Foundation enables the college to meet a number of diverse needs that could not be achieved solely with state funding.
Methods: Scholarships are awarded annually through the Brunswick Community College Foundation’s application process. The application period for BCC Foundation Scholarships typically begins on April 1 and ends on May 30 of each year. The Endowment provides scholarships for qualifying 2nd year nursing school students at Brunswick Community College who maintain a GPA of 3.0 or greater, are in financial need and are Brunswick County residents.
Results: The Ocean Ridge Charities Association’s (ORCA) first fundraising effort was for Nursing Scholarships at Brunswick Community College (BCC). Trivia Nite in April 2011 was initially planned to be a one-time fundraising event for nursing scholarships, which was to be combined funds with the previously established nursing scholarship fund, initiated by David Kelly prior to his death, in honor of two of his sisters who had been in the medical field. Following this very successful fundraising effort, the generosity of Ocean Ridge residents, family, friends, and the BCC Foundation, a plan was created to grow the funds to reach the funding level required for an endowment, $25,000, over a five-year period.
On September 9, 2011, ORCA officially announced at the check presentation to the Brunswick Community College Foundation the establishment of the Ocean Ridge Charities Association-David Kelly Nursing Scholarship Endowment which would provide nursing scholarships in perpetuity as part of the Brunswick Community College Foundation scholarship program. Dr. Susanne Adams, President of BCC stated at the check presentation event to the Foundation: “These scholarships make a huge difference in the lives of these students. Without them, they wouldn’t walk through our doors.”
Since the inception of the endowment in 2011, the Ocean Ridge-David Kelly Nursing Scholarship Endowment has provided 4 scholarships. As one scholarship recipient stated, with similar sentiments from others, “you have lighten my financial burden which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of school, learning. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I hope one day to be able to help students achieve their goals as you have helped me. Donations truly make a difference in the lives of students and your donation has made one in mine.”
In September 2014, a year prior to ORCA’s commitment, we retired the debt to the BCC Foundation and were proud to have achieved another milestone by reaching the $30,000 funding level, which will allow more scholarships to be provided.
Donations may still be made to nursing scholarships to increase the annual number of recipients able to benefit from this effort and meet the demanding needs in the Brunswick County community. Memorial matching funds are also available with details on the website.

Nursing Endowment Celebration &
Check Presentation