Ocean Ridge Charities Association Inc.
Serving the Brunswick County Community

Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministry, Inc.

A local resident now has a roof which no longer leaks, no gaping holes in her kitchen, no hazardous shed falling apart in the backyard and sturdy backdoor steps thanks to volunteers from Ocean Ridge. Laura Wheaton, ORCA organizer of the activity, was joined by Michael Wessels, Tim Eyermann, Marie Gaddis, Andrew Brown, Mike and Deb Lebkicher, Dennis Covelli, Dave and Marcia Rumsey, Liz and Bob Cermak, Dave and Donna Ciliberto, and her husband Rick. It took the effort of these 15 volunteers and Gerald (the construction supervisor) about 6 hours to provide homeowner Pat and her family with the basic needs many of us so often take for granted. Three generations of women reside in the home that has been in their family for decades, the youngest is a nine year old girl.
The Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministry, Inc. (WARM) began in 1996 in response to hurricanes Bertha and Fran. Volunteers from across the county were organized by leaders of the Wilmington District of the United Methodist Church to repair the damaged homes of low income and elderly residents. While responding to the natural disaster, volunteers noticed that much of the damage predated the storms and discovered a social disaster: substandard housing. Poor and elderly homeowners just could not afford costly repairs and were at risk of home accidents, fires, and displacement due to the condition of their home. Now, WARM brings together volunteers and funders to make urgent repairs and accessibility upgrades for the very low-income homeowners of Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender Counties, many of whom are elderly or disabled.
Pat waited three years to have those holes covered and walls repaired all because there are not enough volunteers in our area willing to volunteer 3-6 hours every once in a while. ORCA is encouraging groups of Ocean Ridge residents to grab a hammer and help.
So when you see an ORMAOnline email from me, Laura Wheaton, you know it is a plea to help another family in need. No construction experience necessary, you just need a compassion for those living in poverty.

A local resident now has a floor with no gaping holes, safe front steps and an outside wall insulated for the winter thanks to volunteers from ORCA.
Beth Naylor, organizer of the activity, was joined by Mike Gildea, Barbara and Jim Ellenberger, Judy Cunningham and her son Kevin, Corinne Eisenstein, and Laura Wheaton. It took the effort of these 8 volunteers, Gerald (the construction supervisor), and Tony (homeowner) about 6 hours to provide Tony with the basic needs many of us so often take for granted.
The Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministry, Inc. (WARM) began in 1996 in response to hurricanes Bertha and Fran. Volunteers from across the county were organized by leaders of the Wilmington District of the United Methodist Church to repair the damaged homes of low income and elderly residents. While responding to the natural disaster, volunteers noticed that much of the damage predated the storms and discovered a social disaster: substandard housing. Poor and elderly homeowners just could not afford costly repairs and were at risk of home accidents, fires, and displacement due to the condition of their home.
Now, WARM brings together volunteers and funders to make urgent repairs and accessibility upgrades for the very low-income homeowners of Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender Counties, many of whom are elderly or disabled.
Tony waited three years to have those holes covered and walls repaired all because there are not enough volunteers in our area willing to give 3-6 hours every once in a while.
ORCA is encouraging groups of Ocean Ridge residents to grab a hammer and help. Interested?
Just contact the WARM office at 910-399-7563 or info@warm.org, let them know the day(s) you wish to volunteer and they will partner you with a WARM staff member and a local home in need.
No construction experience necessary, you just need a compassion for those living in poverty.