Ocean Ridge Charities Association Inc.
Serving the Brunswick County Community

Warm Homes Warm Hearts
Thank You from
Warm Homes Warm Hearts
Ocean Ridge Charities Association (ORCA) recently received the attached note, acknowledging our neighborhood's 'big-hearted donation of $13,725 to Warm Homes, Warm Hearts'.
Brunswick Electric notes the impact this can have on seniors, young families and others as they doubled it to $27,450.
Watch for a feature story in an upcoming edition of Carolina Country magazine where BEMC will highlight the generosity of our Ocean Ridge community.
Warm Homes Warm Hearts
Thank you!
The generosity of the Ocean Ridge community has enabled Ocean Ridge Charities Association (ORCA) to donate a record breaking $12,750 to Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation (BEMC) for their annual Warm Homes Warm Hearts program. This money will be DOUBLED by BEMC, to become $25,500 for distribution throughout the community. By agreement with BEMC, ORCA’s contribution will be used in Brunswick County.
Mary Perno and Judy Cunningham, co-chairs of the ORCA Fundraising committee, have already presented the check to BEMC.
The Warm Homes Warm Hearts program provides year round utility assistance to seniors and families in need. The Ocean Ridge community is one of the top contributors to this program.
Thank you to all who participated in the : ORCA Craft Fair, Luminary “Light Up The Night” , Market Place Raffle (Ocean Ridge Artisans) , Christmas Quilt Raffle (donated by Judy Cunningham) or the Christmas House Tour. Your financial support of these fun holiday events provided the original $12,750 donation, which resulted in the $25,500 total contribution.