Ocean Ridge Charities Association Inc.
Serving the Brunswick County Community
‘Save the Dates’ for These
2024 Annual Holiday Favorites!
Join your neighbors for these annual holiday favorites sponsored by Ocean Ridge Charities Association (ORCA). All proceeds benefit Brunswick Electric’s ‘Warm Homes, Warm Hearts’ program to help those in need of heating assistance.
Watch for more info on each event.
November 2 Annual Arts & Crafts Fair @ the Nature Pavilion
December 7 Holiday Marketplace Raffle @ the Nature Pavilion *
December 8 Holiday Open House Tours
December 10 "Light Up the Night", display your ORCA luminaries
* Includes the drawing for a beautiful handmade quilt. Watch for ticket sales starting in mid-October
ORCA Invites You to Support the Carousel Child Advocacy Center!
Please consider joining Ocean Ridge Charity Association (ORCA) Board Members as we host a table for the Inaugural Everyday Heroes Awards & Luncheon on October 9, 2024 at 11AM at the Brunswick Community College Odell Williamson Auditorium.
The event includes a buffet luncheon and an inspiring program featuring a keynote speech by an aunt and a niece, a former Carousel client, as well as recognition of the Brunswick County Sheriff's Department for being the first police force in the nation to become a Partner In Prevention.
The Carousel Center is the region’s ONLY nationally accredited child advocacy center which provides medical evaluation, forensic interviewing and trauma therapy services for sexually abused and maltreated children.
The event is FREE, but each table is collecting donations.
If you are interested in joining our table, hosting your own table and/or making a donation, please contact Amy Kelly by August 30 at:kellygroup@yahoo.com or (910) 274-2451. For more info, visit carouselcenter.org/event/everydayhero/
Greatly appreciate your consideration, Amy Kelly.
Brunswick County Non-Profits Benefit from Recent
ORCA Fund Raisers
Ocean Ridge Charities Association (ORCA) extends a huge thank you to our neighbors for their tremendous support of our most recent fund raisers.
Your generosity has allowed us to raise over $12,000 in cash and commodities to help so many county residents in need.
Special thanks to the Men’s Grilled Dinner Group and the Old Dominion Dames – your partnerships have been awesome!
We appreciate your support!
More fun events and annual favorites coming this fall & winter!
Matthew’s Ministry Weekend Food Backpack Program:
Thank You From The Old Dominion Dames & ORCA
Our wonderful neighbors have again demonstrated their enormous generosity in support of our Weekend Food Backpack Program for Matthew’s Ministry.
You donated 66 backpacks filled with weekend food items for students in Brunswick County who receive free or reduced price school lunches during the week.
And we also collected $1,535 in monetary donations for a total cash & commodity value of $4,835!
Thank you to all who donated and to those who served as neighborhood collection points.
These backpacks are being delivered to Jessie Mae Monroe and Union Elementary School
We thank you...
On behalf of the Old Dominion Dames & ORCA,
Cathy Benton, Andrea Gallucci, Lisa Vest & Kathy Sanchez
Charitable Contributions