Ocean Ridge Charities Association Inc.
Serving the Brunswick County Community



ORCA’s 2024 Annual Appeal Raises Nearly $35,000
Ocean Ridge residents again responded very generously to the annual appeal mailed this past fall.
This year end undertaking is historically our largest fundraiser – and 2024 did not disappoint as it was the most successful campaign in ORCA’s history!
Under the banner of “Brightening Futures, One Step at a Time”, Ocean Ridge Charities Association (ORCA) sought to support four local charities with pressing needs.
Thanks to your generosity, $34,920 was raised to help:
Brunswick Community College Foundation: Tuition & books for students in summer nursing classes which are not otherwise eligible for aid
Matthews Ministry: Food for the 16 Brunswick county schools participating in the school yearlong weekend food program
New Hope Clinic: Medical equipment for the new mobile health program
Warm NC: Purchase of tools needed to complete critical home repairs
Together, we have had a large impact in Brunswick County.
Thank you for your support!
Ocean Ridge Charities Association recently delivered $13,450 to Warm Homes, Warm Hearts
And Brunswick Electric will match those funds which will then be used to assist local families who need help with their utility bills.
Gratefully accepting the check from ORCA fundraising co-chairs Mary Perno & Judy Cunningham is Brookes Versaggi, BEMC's Manager of Communications and Member Engagement.

Hospice Dolls Deliver Valentine's Day Love
The Hospice Dolls group recently delivered stuffed, sewn hearts to both Liberty Home Care & Hospice and Lower Cape Fear LifeCare in time for Valentine's Day. The hearts were also accompanied by cards made by the Cards 4 a Cause group.
We received a very warm welcome at both locations. The gifts and hard work were very much appreciated. Awesome job all!
Heidi Root

Hospice Doll meeting
February 12
The February 12th Hospice Dolls meeting is canceled due to the delay in the opening of the Ridge Center's meeting space.
Hope to see you all next month.
Heidi Root

Holiday Home Tour Pictures

Holiday Arts & Crafts Pictures

Thank you to all who made the recent ORCA Holiday Marketplace Raffle such a tremendous success.
Proceeds totaling $2800 will be doubled by BEMC and will benefit Warm Homes, Warm Hearts.
We thank all those who bought raffle tickets.
We are especially grateful to our generous donors. These talented and giving folks are listed below.
Also, please see the attachment to view a complete list of items raffled and the lucky winners.
Thank You to the Following Donors!
Mary Pat Lynch
Judy Cunningham
Donna Wald
Deb DeVoe
Bill Godbey
Kathy Ferrari
Michele Cook
Kathy Sanchez
Mary K Donohoe
Anna Tamborino
Margie Lacey
Cathy Benton
Karen White
Mary Perno
Richard Bush
Helga Susmeyer
Donna Sullivan
Karina Conticello
Jim Julien
Lesa Johnson
Patty Perno
Tamara Steinkemp
Kathy Major
Anna Anderson
Joan Griffith
Nancy Roman
Kelly Miller
Elaine Benedict
Mary Pirrung
Tina Grauerholz
Donna Wald
Pickleball Group
ORP Golf
Kathy Wicke
Milton & Louine Teague
Marilyn Pounds & Dana Rzeznik
Sue Tunnacliffe
Sue Munger
Kathy Stuart
Holiday Marketplace Raffle Pictures


Congratulations to Joanne Francis!
She won the recent drawing for the beautiful 'Knitted Star' quilt made & donated by Janet Getz.
Proceeds totaling $1675 will be doubled by BEMC and will benefit Warm Homes, Warm Hearts.
Thank you to all who purchased raffle tickets!
Charitable Contributions